Monday, December 13, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010
Diabetes: How do i know if i have it, and how can I prevent it?

So you ask: 'Well, if it is so prevalent, how will I know if I have it?'
Thursday, November 25, 2010
‘n Persoon se gemoed kan normaal, opgewek of depressief (neerslagtig / teneergedruk) wees. Normaalweg kan daar verwag word dat elke mens ‘n wye omvang van gemoedstoestande kan ervaar. Om dus baie opgewonde te raak, aanhoudend te giggel en min te slaap as jy sopas die LOTTO gewen het, is tog sekerlik verstaanbaar! Net so, is dit ook toepaslik om baie hartseer te wees, minder te eet en dalk ‘n rustelose slaap te ervaar as ‘n geliefde afsterf. Wanneer medici egter verwys na iemand wat ‘n Depressiewe Versteuring het, is daar ‘n lys simptome waarna verwys word.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Pregnancy and Physiotherapy

Friday, November 19, 2010
Computer & Desk stretches
Sitting at a computer for long periods of time often causes neck and shoulder stiffness, and might occasionally even be the cause of lower back pain.
Do these stretches every hour or so throughout the day, or whenever you feel stiff.
Also, be sure to get up and walk around the office whenever you think of it... You'll feel better!
Do these stretches every hour or so throughout the day, or whenever you feel stiff.
Also, be sure to get up and walk around the office whenever you think of it... You'll feel better!
Take care of your back!
More than 50 percent of us will suffer from some sort of back problem some time during our lives. Some problems may be congenital, such as sway back or scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine). Others may be the result of an automobile accident, a fall, or sports injury (in which case the pain may subside, only to reappear years later). But most back problems are simply due to tension and muscular tightness, which come from poor posture, being overweight, inactivity, and lack of abdominal strength.
Stretching and abdominal exercises can help your back if done with common sense. If you have a back problem, consult a reliable physician or physiotherapist who will give you tests to see exactly where the problem lies. Ask your physician or physiotherapist which of the stretches and exercises shown in this book would be of most help to you.
Anyone with a history of lower back problems should avoid stretches, called hyperextensions, which arch the back. They create too much stress on the lower back. The best way to take care of your back is to use proper methods of stretching, strengthening, standing, sitting, and sleeping. For it is what we do moment to moment, day to day, that determines our total health.
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